I am an self-reliant researcher in the realm of DNA and human body electric potential, My focus lies in investigating the effect of sound and frequencies, particularly through the use of tuning forks, on the electrical field of our body and the water molecules constituting our physiological makeup

The knower of the mystery of sound knows the mystery of the whole Universe. -Hazrat Inayat Khan -

SOUND HEALING is one of the oldest forms of healing known by man. We are now realizing how powerful sound can be when used for healing. The principles of sound healing like resonance, entrainment, intention, the healing power of our voice, harmonics and musical intervals, chant and rhythm are now backed up and reviewed by science, we resonate every single cell in our body. Sound healing offers us all the possibilities of a drug free way of treating pain and illnesses as well as a way of tuning us into the Divine. Every living being possesses a unique vibrational frequency as does verey object in the Universe. Our bodies adapt to sound vibrations positively, with our cells embracing them. The concept of resonance is evident when one tuning fork, when struck, causes another tuning fork of the same note to vibrate in sync. Placing the stem of a vibrating tuning fork on a solid object like metal, glass, or wood induces vibration in that object, demonstrating the transmission of sound energy. Experimentation shows that bone, being an excellent conductor of sound, allows for the transmission of sound vibrations when a tuning fork is placed on the head. In air sound travels at 340 meters per second (760 miles per hour). In water sound travels at 1,500 meters per second (3,350 miles per hour). In glass sound travels at 5,600 meters per second (12,500 miles per hour). The human body is made up of 70% water; this makes it a very good conductor of sound. Each organ, bone, and cell within the body possesses its own resonant frequency, collectively forming a harmonious composite frequency akin to an orchestra. When one organ falls out of tune, it can disrupt the harmony of the entire body. Utilizing the principle of resonance, sound therapy seeks to restore harmony within the body, aligning its frequencies and promoting overall well-being, bringing our body back to harmony.

When we INHALE OXYGEN , we're not just taking in the gas itself but also the free electrons transported by the oxygen molecule. These electrons electromagnetically bind to the hemoglobin in our blood, serving as the primary source of electric charge crucial for our vitality. The fact that we can only survive without breath for a few minutes underscores the critical importance of this electrical supply for our bodies. Environments abundant in plasma, such as oceans or forests, provide us with even higher levels of electricity.

Our DIGESTIVE SYSTEM undergoes an electrical fermentation process wherein electrons are extracted from food and transported to cells. Incorporating fermented vegetables into our meals enhances this process by supplying additional electrical energy to aid digestion. Conversely, highly processed foods lack vitality and draw electricity from the body, leading to oxidative stress. Adding salt to our drinking water creates electrolyte-rich beverages, fostering a more electrically charged environment within the body.

Our EMOTIONAL encounters are akin to waves passing through us, resonating within our bodies for approximately 90 seconds. These emotions emerge, crest into our consciousness, and ideally dissipate as the wave breaks. However, if we suppress our emotions, we inadvertently confine that energy within our bodies, freezing it in a state of stagnation. This obstructs its natural flow and introduces interference and resistance within our electrical systems.

Our Intergalactic Connection. - our Biofield

The human Biofield refers to the electromagnetic field enveloping and permeating the human body, a concept first named by a group of National Institute for Health scientists in 1994 to provide a scientific label for what was previously referred to as the human energy field or aura. Myself together with many other highly acknowledged researchers in this field, propose that it is impossible to separate the body's electrical current from the electromagnetic field surrounding it, viewing the human Biofield as the comprehensive electrical system of the body. This electrical system, which powers the heart, brain, and nervous system, also generates a faint magnetic field that takes the form of a torus— a spherical shape with a spiraling central channel. This system and structure are vital indicators of life; when the body's living electrical system ceases to function, entropy and deterioration set in. Given that the Biofield serves as both the fundamental blueprint and the energy source sustaining bodily functions and order, it stands as our primary system. Its well-being directly influences the overall health of an organism. For the past century, scientists have dedicated themselves to studying human Bioelectricity. Researchers coined the term "Biofield" to describe the electromagnetic field that envelops and penetrates the human body. This Biofield encompasses Bioplasma, a living electromagnetic field extending roughly 5-6 feet in all directions, serving as an energetic blueprint. And it is measurable. This living electromagnetic field holds a wealth of information related to our emotional history, thought patterns, memories, physical and emotion. All is encoded in standing wave format within the body's electromagnetic field. Similar to the brain or any organ , the Biofield is compartmentalized, with various emotional experiences stored in distinct stratospheric locations At the periphery of the human Biofield lies a double-layer plasma membrane that forms an outer boundary, offering protection. This membrane generates dynamic standing waves that retain information within a person's field. Additionally, every cell and organ in the body possesses its own energy field, contributing to the collective field of the human body. At the atomic level, the Biofield appears to consist of free electrons, ions, and protons maintaining a balanced polarity of positive and negative charges. These particles engage in a torsion force, a spiraling, twisting motion, bounded by the plasma membrane at the field's outer edge. Overall, the Biofield assumes a toroidal shape, resembling a donut, with a central channel of energy encircling the outer boundary. The human Biofield, with its toroidal structure, mirrors the patterns found throughout all nature and our Universe on a macro scale. All electromagnetic energy exhibits polarities of positive and negative charges, a fundamental property inherent in all matter. The earth's magnetosphere boundary also features a double-layer plasma membrane akin to the structure of the human Biofield. Grounded in clinical experience and supported by emerging scientific evidence, the Biofield and its subtle energy components are not separate from the electricity vital for the functioning of our hearts and brains. Rather, they represent a different manifestation of this electrical energy, with the subtle energy being a higher harmonic of the measurable electromagnetism we recognize as electricity. A crucial aspect of our body’s electric system is maintaining a robust flow of energy along the central channel, which aligns with the body's midline. This fosters a healthy energy flow through the body's seven major chakra centers, nourishing the energetic channels known as nadis or meridians, and permeating throughout the body's organs, tissues, and systems. This flow supports healing, regeneration, and vitality. Conversely, when the central current weakens, the entire system becomes compromised, leading to eventual illness.


Working with tuning of our vibrational field presents a universal challenge: explaining its intricacies can be difficult, and skepticism often arises. I spent years conducting sessions, questioning the validity of my findings. However, consistent patterns have emerged over time, validated by the thousands of Tuning sessions conducted by myself and thousands of trained practitioners worldwide. Balancing our vibrational field poses a challenge in explanation due to its incorporation of two additional states of matter beyond the conventional solid, liquid, and gas. These states include plasma, the fourth state of matter widely acknowledged in scientific circles, and a hypothetical fifth state known as aether, which has been a topic of scientific discourse for centuries. Although the existence of aether remains unproven, in mainstream science, it has been consistently referenced in ancient healing traditions such as Ayurveda and so many others. In my practice, tuning forks are utilized to navigate the electromagnetic field surrounding the body, identifying and addressing areas of disharmony and resistance. The introduction of coherent sound from the tuning fork facilitates a transition from chaotic to harmonious waveforms. This shift in the body's magnetic field, and consequently its electrical flow, facilitates the release of pain, tension, suppressed emotions, and trauma.

The Western medical paradigm remains focused on a chemical and mechanical perspective of health, treating concepts like life energy, energy medicine, and the Biofield as myths, despite the growing body of evidence suggesting otherwise. Yet, it's a fundamental law of nature that any entity with an electric current generates a magnetic field around it. Although Western medical science has yet to formally recognize the existence of the Biofield, ancient Vedic and Oriental cultures extensively describe it, considering it a crucial aspect of the human system and provide intricate maps of a life force within the body essential for maintaining health and vitality. Blockages in this life force are believed to lead to illness and diminished vitality. Whether referred to as prana or chi, nadis or meridians, or chakras, historical traditions, like Vedic or Oriental Wisdom teachings, offer insight into the electromagnetic nature of our bodies. In fact, the term "Chi" in traditional chinese medicine translates to "energy" , the lifeforce running through all living things. While these terms are valuable for comprehending the Biofield, it's also important to develop language within the Western scientific framework to articulate these findings. With philanthropic support rallying behind a concerted scientific effort to map and understand the Biofield , akin to the Human Genome Project, and to establish standardized terminology for its reference, the days of regarding energy medicine as "alternative" seem to be waning

MODERN RESEARCH In the early 2000s, UCLA biophysicist Beverly Rubik made groundbreaking contributions that laid the foundation for modern biofield science. Her 2002 paper, "The Biofield Hypothesis: Its Biophysical Basis and Role in Medicine," characterizes the biofield as a complex, faint electromagnetic field that utilizes electromagnetic "bioinformation" for self-regulation. Rubik describes the field as a network of near-instantaneous communication underlying the slower chemical processes in the body, challenging the mechanistic perspective that attributes human bioelectricity solely to chemical reactions. Research by Rubik and other biofield scientists suggests that energy-based healing practices such as acupuncture and reiki may influence homeodynamics—the body's inherent intelligence that promotes healing and maintains balance. Over the past two decades, numerous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of healing modalities targeting the body's energy system. A systematic review of 66 clinical trials in 2010 revealed significant benefits of biofield therapies in reducing pain, anxiety, and other palliative effects. In April 2020, Dr. Shamini Jain and collaborators at the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI) published a comprehensive report titled "Subtle Energy & Biofield Healing: Evidence, Practice, & Future Directions." This initiative curated a vast library of approximately 6,200 publications on subtle energy and biofield healing, along with a meticulously reviewed subset of 396 clinical studies exploring the efficacy of various biofield healing modalities for different health conditions. More information can be found at www.chi.is.


Our Biophotons

Biophotons are particles of light in the ultraviolet and low visible light range that are produced in biological systems, first discovered in 1923 by Russian scientist Alexander Gurwitsch. Their main function seems to be cell-to-cell communication, and they appear to create a coherent electromagnetic field throughout the body that uses electromagnetic frequencies for communication. Biophotons are present not only in the physical body but also its surrounding biofield. Biophysicist Dietrich Klinghardt describes the Biofield as a coherent field whose purpose is to carry information from all the body’s cells and the memory of every event that the organism has been exposed to. This field carries the information of every cell in the body, and it engages in bidirectional information transfer with people, plants, animals, and energies in our environment. The biophoton hypothesis also provides a useful framework for understanding how our lives become a reflection of our energy fields. If there are a lot of chaotic waveforms in your field, you’re going to be bringing that information into your interactions and likely attracting the same kind of waveforms. Research using biophoton imaging devices shows that when an organism is under stress, it emits more biophotons–a leaking of life force that seems to result in a loss of order and integrity through the system. Stress or illness can cause an excessive leaking of noncoherent light out of the body and into the biofield — we literally leak out light as a result of stress and trauma. WE LOSE SPARKLE This is a real scientific description of how the light in our eyes and the brightness in our being goes dim as a result of stress and trauma. Studies comparing biophoton activity in different research subjects have shown that while meditating monks give off very little light, people under stress are emitting large amounts of light out of their bodies and into the field around them. We hypothesize that biophotons become trapped in areas of distortion and resistance in the standing waves of our biofield, stopping energy and lightfrom flowing freely through our system. We’ve leaked these photons during periods of our lives when we were under physical or emotional stress. Rather than being lost and gone forever, the light and energy we lost during those turbulent times appears to stay within our own atmosphere, and can actually be returned it to its rightful place in the body. If aging is the loss of light over time, restoring this energy back into flow is akin to reversing the aging process Biophoton research is an exciting and growing field of study poised to make major advances in our understanding of health in the coming years. This new physiology of light may prove invaluable to bridging science and spirituality. It’s actual proof that we are light beings! When the ancient Tibetan yogis talked about the “rainbow body” that is illuminated from within, they were accurately describing our biology. As Carl Sagan said, “We are the stuff of the stars."


We approach restoring harmony by addressing discordant waveforms, reintegrating them into circulation and availability. Enhanced bioavailability of energy leads to greater energetic efficiency. Through the coherent input of tuning forks, the biofield becomes more ordered, coherent, and harmonious.

SESSION PROCEDURE A standard tuning session of our energy field lasts around 60 minutes and can be conducted either in person or remotely. During the session, clients are instructed to focus on their breath and remain aware of their observations as the practitioner works through their field with tuning forks. The Sound Tuning employs both weighted and unweighted tuning forks. Unweighted forks produce audible sounds used by practitioners to detect vibrational disruptions in the field. Each emotion encountered in the field, such as fear or sadness, emits a distinct sonic signature detected by the forks. Weighted forks, on the other hand, produce less sound but deliver deep vibrations capable of addressing deeply ingrained blockages by applying them directly on our body. Both types of forks are used to comb through the field, Sessions commence with the activation of the client's central energy channel, or sushumna, running along the spine. This strengthens the overall energy system and fosters present-moment awareness. The practitioner visualizes the client's energetic torus, focusing on the midline of the body and the central channel along the spine. By anchoring into the core, electromagnetic alignment is achieved. The practitioner then assesses the client's energetic blueprint by combing the forks through the energy field, akin to a needle on a record, noting any areas of distortion. The record reflects the client's human timeline, with birth at the edge of the field and current age closer to the physical body. When the central axis tilts due to frozen biophotons, individuals may struggle to stay present and experience imbalance. As the practitioner navigates the energy field, fragmented and stagnant aspects are gathered and reintegrated into the neutral midline using the coherent input of the forks. This process returns biophotons to the central channel, restoring individuals to the present moment and promoting the circulation of electricity. Clients often report feeling lighter post-session, both physically and mentally. For post-session self-care, clients are encouraged to hydrate, take epsom salt baths, and engage in grounding activities such as earthing, spending time in nature, or journaling.

Sacred Geometry and Sound

Music is Sound, Sound is Frequency made audible Frequency is Wavelengths. Wavelengths are math. Math is Geometry. Geometry is frequency made visible

We do not have to be any kind of professional musician to know if something sounds good or not , although we might not be able to detect the key, everyone of us can tell if something sounds pleasant or if its just a clashing noise. As its turns out, the Golden Ratio can be converted into frequencies of individual notes. When these are played together at once, their different frequencies combine to perform a perfect harmony, which is a musical chord.

Phytagoras of Samos was an greek Philosopher and Mathematician, famous for creating the Phytagorean Scale of music. He wrote down that a string on an instrument that is exactly half the length of another string will play a pitch that is exactly one octave higher than the string that is twice the length. In order to create the Phytagorean Scale, he took basic geometric shapes, like triangles squares pentagons and others, and calculated the sum of their angles which he turned into different wavelengths frequencies. By following this pattern, Phytagoras found out that it was possible to create a sound that represents each geometrical shape. He used these patterns to create perfect harmonies. By adding an additional side to the shape it increases the ocatve of the notes , from triangle to a square, or from a square to a pentagon. The Phytagorean Scale is living proof that sacred geometry discovered and applied by ancient civilisations thousands of years ago, produces musical harmony. Looking at the Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, built with astonishing geometrical precision and solar alignment, we recognise that the Great Pyramid itself is built in direct proportion with the Golden Ratio, directly aligned with the Earth's north, south , eats and west directions, aligned with the sun's equinoxes and the constellation of Orion. The entire Giza Plateau itself is constructed on a larger scale in accordance with the principles of sacred geometry and so are many many other structures on Earth.

Project Water

MASARU EMOTO Unveiling the Mysteries of Water Crystals

Water, the elixir of life, has long fascinated scientists and spiritualists alike with its enigmatic properties. Among those who have delved into the profound nature of water is Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher renowned for his pioneering studies on water crystals. Through his groundbreaking experiments, Emoto demonstrated how external factors such as affirmation, light exposure, and sound could influence the formation of water crystals, unveiling a deeper understanding of water's inherent responsiveness to stimuli.

The Influence of Affirmation on Water Crystals: Masaru Emoto's work revealed the profound impact of human consciousness on the molecular structure of water. In his experiments, Emoto exposed water to various verbal and written affirmations, ranging from expressions of love and gratitude to those of hatred and negativity. Astonishingly, water subjected to positive affirmations formed beautifully intricate and symmetrical crystals, while water exposed to negative sentiments yielded distorted and fragmented structures. These findings underscore the profound connection between human intention and the molecular arrangement of water, suggesting that our thoughts and emotions can imprint upon the very essence of this vital substance. Light Exposure and Water Crystal Formation: Emoto's investigations also explored the influence of light exposure on the crystalline structure of water. By subjecting water samples to different wavelengths of light, Emoto observed distinct patterns emerging in the resulting crystals. Ultraviolet light, in particular, elicited vibrant and intricate formations, while infrared light yielded more subdued and diffuse patterns. These observations highlight the sensitivity of water to different light frequencies, suggesting that light energy plays a pivotal role in shaping water's crystalline architecture.

THE ROLE OF SOUND IN WATER CRYSTAL FORMATION: Sound, another fundamental element of the universe, also exerts a profound influence on the formation of water crystals, as elucidated by Emoto's research. Through the use of music, chants, and spoken words, Emoto demonstrated how sound vibrations could evoke intricate geometric patterns in water crystals. Harmonious melodies and uplifting chants produced exquisitely structured crystals, reminiscent of intricate snowflakes, whereas discordant sounds and harsh noise led to irregular and asymmetrical formations. These findings underscore the transformative power of sound in sculpting the molecular structure of water, suggesting that sound vibrations can imprint upon water's intrinsic properties. Masaru Emoto's pioneering studies on water crystals have provided unprecedented insights into the remarkable responsiveness of water to external influences. By harnessing the power of affirmation, light exposure, and sound, Emoto demonstrated how we can profoundly affect the molecular structure of water, shaping its crystalline formations in accordance with our intentions and vibrations. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of water, Emoto's work serves as a testament to the interconnectedness of consciousness and the natural world, offering profound implications for our understanding of health, healing, and the fabric of reality.



"Crystal Salt is the most crucial remedy for mankind" - Plinius (23-79 AD)

Much like its aqueous counterpart, salt exists within every living cell on Earth, serving as the predominant mineral in extracellular fluid and seawater. Remarkably, this dissolved mineral governs our sensory perceptions of taste, smell, and touch. Even the most basic physiological processes hinge upon the presence of salt or its constituent elements in ionized form. Salt facilitates neural transmission, enabling the execution of voluntary movements—without it, paralysis would ensue. It is postulated that the complete removal of salt from the human body would result in death within a mere 48 hours. Salt plays a crucial role in combating a double chin, a fact often overlooked by many. When the body experiences a shortage of salt, it indicates a deficiency in structured water. The salivary glands detect this salt deficit and respond by increasing saliva production. This not only aids in the process of chewing and swallowing but also ensures an adequate supply of water to the stomach for effective food digestion. IS SALT TRULY DETRIMENTAL TO YOUR HEALTH ? The debate continues regarding the impact of salt on health, with conflicting opinions on whether it is beneficial or harmful. While excessive salt intake has long been associated with hypertension and cardiovascular ailments, emerging research suggests that there may be more to the story. Dr. Jens Titze's recent study has prompted reevaluation of conventional wisdom surrounding salt consumption. The New York Times highlights the inadequacy of our understanding, cautioning against assumptions that the science is definitive and all-encompassing.

Before delving into recent salt studies, it's important to address table salt, often vilified as the culprit behind salt-related health concerns. Contrary to popular belief, table salt undergoes a rigorous chemical cleaning process that involves crystallization at extremely high temperatures exceeding 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit (648.8 degrees Celsius). This process strips away natural minerals and electrolytes, rendering them akin to impurities in the final product. The refining process of salt involves the utilization of aluminum, ferrocyanide, and bleach. Through this process, salt is transformed into 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% additives, which typically include anti-caking agents such as aluminum hydroxide, silica aluminate, sodium ferrocyanide, tri-calcium phosphate, stearic acid, and others. To mask the bitter taste caused by aluminum additives, manufacturers often include dextrose, a refined sugar, in table salt. This type of salt is primarily sourced from underground salt deposits.

In contrast, SEA SALT is derived from the evaporation of ocean water or water from saltwater lakes, with minimal to no processing involved. Depending on the water source, sea salt retains various trace minerals and elements, contributing to its distinct flavor and color. Sea salt is available in different coarseness levels, offering versatility in culinary applications. Historically, major clinical trials assessing the impact of sodium intake on health primarily relied on regular table salt. These studies examined salt consumption through processed foods or high doses of sodium chloride itself. Recent research conducted by Dr. Jens Titze, a kidney specialist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, has shed new light on the effects of salt consumption on thirst and hunger. Studies involving Russian cosmonauts, subjected to isolation to mimic space travel conditions, revealed that increased salt intake resulted in decreased thirst but increased hunger.

Analysis of fluid intake data showed that despite excreting more salt and maintaining constant sodium levels in their blood, the cosmonauts consumed less water when ingesting higher amounts of salt. Dr. Titze hypothesized that the body may have generated water internally in response to elevated salt intake. Further investigations, including experiments with mice, demonstrated that higher salt intake led to increased calorie expenditure, with mice consuming 25 percent more food to maintain their weight. These findings, published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation, challenge conventional beliefs about salt metabolism and suggest a potential role for high salt levels in promoting weight loss. UNREFINED SEA SALT , harvested from saline bodies of water through natural evaporation methods, i s a rich source of essential minerals and trace elements crucial for human health. Unlike refined table salt, which undergoes extensive processing, unrefined sea salt retains its natural mineral content, offering a myriad of health benefits. This article explores the importance of consuming unrefined sea salt and its impact on overall health and well-being.


The Mineral Composition of UNREFINED SEA SALT : Unrefined sea salt contains a diverse array of minerals and trace elements, including magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, iron, and iodine. These minerals play essential roles in various physiological processes within the human body:

  1. Magnesium: Vital for muscle function, nerve transmission, energy production, and bone health. Magnesium deficiency has been linked to muscle cramps, fatigue, and cardiovascular issues.

  2. Potassium: Regulates fluid balance, muscle contractions, and nerve signals. Adequate potassium intake supports heart health and may help lower blood pressure.

  3. Calcium: Essential for bone and teeth formation, muscle function, and blood clotting. Calcium deficiency can lead to osteoporosis and other bone-related disorders.

  4. Zinc: Supports immune function, wound healing, DNA synthesis, and growth and development. Zinc deficiency may compromise immune response and increase susceptibility to infections.

  5. Iron: Required for oxygen transport in the blood, energy metabolism, and cognitive function. Iron deficiency can lead to anemia, fatigue, and impaired cognitive performance.

  6. Iodine: Essential for thyroid hormone synthesis, which regulates metabolism, growth, and development. Iodine deficiency may result in thyroid disorders and cognitive impairments.

Consuming UNREFINED SEA SALT offers several HEALTH BENEFITS, including:

  1. Electrolyte Balance: The mineral-rich composition of unrefined sea salt helps maintain electrolyte balance in the body, supporting hydration, muscle function, and nerve transmission.

  2. Bone Health: The presence of calcium, magnesium, and other minerals in unrefined sea salt promotes bone density and helps prevent osteoporosis and bone fractures.

  3. Heart Health: Potassium-rich sea salt may help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by counteracting the effects of sodium on blood pressure regulation.

  4. Immune Support: Minerals like zinc and iodine in unrefined sea salt support immune function, helping the body fight infections and maintain overall health.

  5. Nutrient Absorption: Adequate mineral intake from unrefined sea salt enhances nutrient absorption and utilization, ensuring optimal metabolic function and cellular health.

    Unrefined sea salt serves as a valuable source of essential minerals and trace elements critical for maintaining optimal health and well-being. Unlike refined table salt, which lacks nutritional value due to extensive processing, unrefined sea salt offers a natural and holistic approach to mineral supplementation. By incorporating unrefined sea salt into their diets, individuals can harness the health benefits of essential minerals and support overall vitality and longevity. sea salt serves as a valuable source of essential minerals and trace elements critical for maintaining optimal health and well-being. Unlike refined table salt, which lacks nutritional value due to extensive processing, unrefined sea salt offers a natural and holistic approach to mineral supplements

    The Dangers of Refined Table Salt:

    Refined table salt, commonly used in households, undergoes extensive processing that strips away its natural minerals and electrolytes. Chemical cleaning processes involving aluminium, ferrocyanide, and bleach result in a product that is 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% additives, including anti-caking agents like aluminium hydroxide and silica aluminate. These additives, along with the refining process, compromise the nutritional value of table salt, making it a poor choice for health-conscious individuals.

    UNREFINED SEA SALT - A Nutrient-Rich Alternative: In contrast to refined table salt, unrefined sea salt is harvested through natural evaporation methods from saline bodies of water. This minimally processed salt retains its natural mineral content, including magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, iron, and iodine. These essential minerals play crucial roles in various physiological processes, such as muscle function, nerve transmission, and immune function. Recent studies challenge the traditional view of salt consumption and its effects on health. Dr. Jens Titze's research reveals that increased salt intake may lead to greater energy expenditure and increased thirst, rather than fluid retention and weight gain as previously assumed. Dr. Titze's findings have garnered attention from kidney specialists and researchers, highlighting the need for further investigation into the relationship between salt intake and metabolic processes.

POTASSIUM : A Key Player in Health: Potassium, a naturally occurring mineral found in unrefined sea salt, plays a vital role in electrolyte balance and overall health. Unlike sodium, which primarily resides outside cells, potassium is predominantly found inside cells and regulates fluid balance, muscle contractions, and nerve signals. Incorporating potassium-rich foods and unrefined sea salt into the diet can support optimal health and well-being.

Experts recommend choosing unrefined sea salt over refined table salt for its superior mineral content and health benefits. Adding a small amount of unrefined sea salt to water or meals can enhance hydration, electrolyte balance, and nutrient absorption. High-quality sea salts, such as Himalayan pink salt or grey sea salt, are preferred options due to their natural mineral content and purity. In conclusion, unrefined sea salt offers a natural and nutrient-rich alternative to refined table salt, providing essential minerals and trace elements crucial for health. By making informed choices about salt consumption and opting for unrefined sea salt, individuals can support their overall health and well-being. Further research is warranted to elucidate the nuanced effects of salt intake on metabolic processes and disease risk..

Project "SOLE" liquid Light

and Its Potential to Preserve Water Structure

In alignment with my advocacy for spring water with its inherent minerals and salts, there exists a profound appreciation for unrefined salt in its entirety, replete with trace minerals. I firmly believe that natural salt embodies a reservoir of structural integrity and informational potency. A notable practice in this regard involves the incorporation of 'sole' (pronounced solay) into one's daily regimen as a mineral supplement.

Sole represents water that has achieved complete saturation with natural salt. Unlike mere saltwater, which entails a modest dissolution of salt in water, sole entails water that has absorbed the maximum quantity of natural salt it can hold. Various types of natural salt, such as Himalayan salt, Light Grey Celtic Sea Salt, and Fleur De Sel (aptly named for its delicate, snowflake-like structure), can be employed to create sole.

The process involves filling a glass jar approximately one-quarter full with natural salt, preferably in sizable chunks, and then topping it off with high-quality water. After sealing the jar with a non-metal lid preferably glass , it is shaken and left to sit overnight. The presence of undissolved salt in the jar signifies complete saturation of the water. Additional salt may be added if necessary. This concentrated solution, laden with trace minerals and electrolytes, serves as a natural preservative and can endure for years.

For consumption, approximately one teaspoon (5ml) of sole is added to one cup (240ml) of water, or about six drops if administered via dropper. I personally prefer to consume this solution once daily, particularly in the morning on an empty stomach, to capitalize on its revitalizing properties. Even with access to pristine water sources, there are compelling reasons to consider enhancing it with a dash of sole. Firstly, the addition of sole imparts a wholesome mineral infusion, providing a revitalizing boost to your hydration regimen. Secondly, it holds the potential to prolong the structured state of water—a phenomenon I find particularly intriguing.

The enduring question of how liquid water maintains its structure when bottled and sold commercially has long piqued my curiosity. However, my fascination deepened upon incorporating sole into my routine. I observed that water treated with sole exhibited a subtle yet discernible energetic charge that seemed to endure over time. To put this to the test, I left a glass bottle of water infused with a few drops of sole on my tabletop for four and a half months. Upon finally sampling it, I was astonished to find that the water retained its smoothness and deliciousness, reminiscent of its original state sourced directly from nature. Remarkably, I even found the taste to have subtly improved with time—an unexpected outcome given the dynamic nature of water. Despite the mere addition of a small quantity of sole, the water exhibited a remarkably smooth and silky texture. This experience prompted me to delve deeper into the intricate dynamics of liquid crystal phases, the synergistic interplay between salt and water, and the pivotal role of light in both the formation of salt and the energization of our cells. The term "sole," denoting a solution of water and salt, originates from the Latin word "sol," signifying sun. Throughout antiquity, sole has been revered as the tangible embodiment of sunlight, symbolizing "fluid sunlight" or "fluid light energy."

Natural crystal salt undergoes immense pressure over millions of years during its formation process. This pressure is instrumental in shaping the salt crystals, with higher pressures yielding superior levels of order within the crystalline structure. Notably, the perpetual salinity of our oceans stems from the remarkable capacity of salt to remain within the aquatic environment for extended periods—a phenomenon known as residence time. When sodium infiltrates the ocean through rivers, eroded from rocks and soil, it can linger for over 200 million years before being deposited into sediments or evaporite formations, rendering sea salt a relic of prehistoric times. Through this protracted dehydration process, the salt crystal absorbs and stores "potential energy." Upon dissolving salt in water, its cubic structure is disrupted, releasing the latent energy it harbors.

This process engenders an ocean of energy and potent potential, poised to foster and sustain life. It is no wonder that Pythagoras mused, "Salt is born of the purest parents, the Sun and the Sea."